Saturday, August 13, 2011

Feasting Friday

12 Ramadhan 1432

Today we had guests over yey!!! ... but some unable to come ... its ok there's always a next time =).  Since my guests had bad experience with mee badung from one of the local stall, i decided to gave it a try.  Alhamdulillah it turns out ok.

Source: Hanieliza


500 gm mee kuning (dicelur) 2 pkt of yellow mee
300 gm ayam (dipotong kecil)
2 s/b cili mesin
3 ulas bawang putih (ditumbuk)
5 ulas bawang merah (ditumbuk)
2 mangkuk stok ayam (atau 1 kiub ayam + 2 mangkuk air) I used beef stock instead
5 sudu besar sos tomato
3 sudu besar sos cili
1 sudu besar sos tiram
2 biji limau kasturi/nipis (belah 2)
2 biji telur (rebus dan belah 2)
Sedikit sawi, cili merah, daun sup & daun bawang (dihiris)
1 biji tomato (belah
bawang goreng
cili merah/hijau (mayang)
Garam & minyak masak


1. Panaskan minyak masak dalam periuk. Tumiskan bawang putih,
bawang merah & cili kisar hingga garing.
2. Masukkan stok ayam & ayam dan biarkan mendidih.
3. Kemudian masukkan sos tomato, sos cili, sos tiram & garam.
Biarkan merenih perlahan-lahan.
4. Masukkan udang, sawi, & masak selama 2 minit.
5. Bila dah masak boleh ditutp api dan hidangkan.

* I did not put any sawi hee hee cos all of us don't quite like veggie :p

My 1st successful cuppies. Yey!!! ... What to do with left over Reese's???!!! Bake cupcakes!!! Why not right?

Source: SomethingShiny

Dark Chocolate Cupcakes 
(with Reese’s PB Cup Center)

Adapted from Cook’s Illustrated

Makes approx 12 (I got 15 out of it with plenty of batter left on the sides of the bowl for me to enjoy. What?) Ilah: I got 16 cuppies maybe my cups are slightly smaller.


114g 8 Tbsp unsalted butter
60g (hershey semi-sweet) 2 oz bittersweet chocolate, roughly chopped (I used Ghiradelli)
60g (hershey cocoa powder) 1/2 cup (1.5 oz) Dutch processed cocoa (or regular if that’s what you’ve got handy)
85g (All-purpose IS plain flour) 3/4 cup (3.75 oz) All-purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
3/4 tsp baking powder
2 eggs
170g 3/4 cup (5.25 oz) granulated sugar
1/2 tsp salt
118ml 1/2 cup (4 oz) sour cream (you could use reduced fat, but really…why bother)
12-15 mini Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups


Preheat oven to 350°F (177°C). Line tin with cupcake liners.

Combine butter, chopped chocolate and cocoa in a small bowl. Microwave 30 seconds then stir. Microwave at 15 second intervals until smooth. (It only took me the first 30 seconds plus 15 more before it was smooth and glossy.) Don’t overheat! Alternately, you can get fancy and use a double boiler, or a glass bowl over a pot of simmering water. I use the dbl boiler method.

Cool until barely warm.

In small bowl, combine flour, soda and powder.

In a medium-ish bowl, beat the eggs then whisk in the sugar and salt. Add the cooled chocolate mix, beating until smooth and well combined. Sift 1/3 of the flour mixture into the chocolate mixture. Whisk until fully combined. Add sour cream, mixing well, then add remaining flour mixture, whisking till flour is fully incorporated and batter is thick.

Scoop batter into lined tins using you preferred method—spoon, ice cream scoop, measuring cup. Place a mini Reese’s cup in the center of each cake. Press into the batter until nearly level with the top.

Bake 15-20 minutes (original recipe said 18-20 but mine were most definitely done at 15 minutes). Check doneness with toothpick. If it comes out clean, you’re good. Mine was 20mins.

Cool for 5-10 minutes in the pan, then move to a wire rack to cool thoroughly before frosting.

Fluffy Peanut Butter Frosting

Adapted from

Easily covers 18 cupcakes, and that’s if you have a heavy hand.


200g or 3 big spoonful 1 cup creamy peanut butter
75g 5 Tbsp unsalted butter
220g 2 cups powdered sugar
1 small pkt 1/2 - 2/3 cup whipping cream (heavy cream) adjust as necessary - add more if it looks like it needs it. Go wild.


Beat peanut butter, butter and powdered sugar until thoroughly combined. Add cream and beat until light and fluffy. Give it a few minutes to get nice and pale and lovely. Lick the beaters. No, really. Do it. It’ll make you feel like a kid again. (I did not do this eh ... fasting tao )

Spread onto cooled cupcakes or pipe with your preferred decorating tip.

(I did not manage to do this part)
Homemade Magic Shell

Adapted from Confessions of a Cookbook Queen

3 regular size Hershey bars, broken into smaller bits
1/2 cup coconut oil


Combine chocolate and oil in small, deep bowl. Microwave for 30 seconds. The oil will have melted, but the chocolate will still be partially solid. Microwave at 15 second intervals until the mixture is smooth. It won’t take long.

Pour over ice cream or dip frosted cupcakes that have been in the freezer at least 15 minutes. Take cupcakes out just a few at a time. If you’re double dipping, place cupcakes back in the freezer for a few minutes before re-dipping.

Enjoy! Sure, it’s not exactly health food, but it’s got to be at least a little better for you than the processed stuff in a squeeze bottle.

Just for the record, I had plenty of this left over after double dipping 12 cupcakes–a good 1/2 cup or more left. It’ll keep in the pantry for a while, but if you put it in the fridge, it’ll turn solid and you’ll need to nuke it before using.

Happy Baking Ladies!!!

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