Thursday, July 2, 2015

Nasi Goreng Daging Merah

As promised to the Mister (which I forgotten yesterday), here is THE Fried Rice.  At one point of time, he can eat fried rice almost everyday. I just find it boring and a lazy way of eating.  Why lazy ... just put everything and anything u like in 1 wok. Where is the challenge ... hahah chey chey chey.
Oh and fried rice I can never make it twice the same recipe.  Cos it's always difference every time.

Nasi Goreng

Rice (yesterday's leftover)
Sambal Terasi (I bought from Batam)
*this is sambal terasi in packets.  Taken from the net
Minced onion
Scramble egg
Fried ikan bilis

Heat up abit of oil just enough to scramble the egg. Fry and put aside
Add abit more oil for the ikan bilis.  Fry till crisps and put aside
Use the remaining oil to sautee minced onion.  
Once its translucent, add sambal terasi.
Stir abit and add rice mix well.
Add the egg and ikan bilis mix well and off the heat.

Daging Merah
1 pack sliced beef
2 sliced onions
a few cloves garlic
Tomato sauce
Chilli sauce
Blended dried chillies
Oyster sauce
Fish sauce

Heat oil and sautee garlic and onion.
Add blended chilli cook for 5-10mins
Add in the beef 
Season with oyster sauce, fish sauce, chilli sauce & tomato sauce
Mix well.  Once cook off heat

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