Friday, July 3, 2015

Ayam Goreng Berempah

Recipe taken from nasilemaklover

Ayam Goreng Berempah

1kg chicken meat, cut into medium-size pieces
1tsp Serbuk Jintan putih (cumin powder)
1tsp Serbuk Jintan Manis (fennel powder)
1tsp Serbuk Ketumbar (coriander powder)
1tsp chili powder
1/2tsp turmeric powder
1tbsp curry powder (meat type)
1tbsp corn flour
1 and 1/2tsp salt 
Blend into paste
4 garlic cloves
6 shallots

½” galangal (blue ginger)
½” ginger
4 lemongrass
3tbsp water 

Marinate chicken pieces with all ingredients for several hours (I marinated it over-night).
Heat oil in a wok (sufficient to fry all chicken at one go) over medium to low heat, put marinated chicken into hot oil piece by piece, deep fry till golden brown (about 10-15mins).
Once done, remove fried chicken and also the fried spiced crumbs using a strainer and keep aside to drain excess oil.
Serve hot. 

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